What is the Oncology Academy?

We are delighted to introduce the Oncology Academy – an initiative driven by a Scientific Steering Committee that seeks to help fulfil the educational needs of busy oncologists – by supporting optimal care for people living with cancer.

The Oncology Academy aims to:

Encourage and support education and the advancement of knowledge in all aspects of oncology and related scientific fields, including the promotion of scientific research
Provide the oncology community with a summary of some of the most significant treatment advances in breast and prostate cancer
Review the current standard of care for breast and prostate cancer from a local and international perspective
Help the oncology community better serve people with cancer


    The Oncology Academy is currently led by a distinguished Scientific Steering Committee consisting of three oncology experts:

    • Dr Matti Aapro, Genolier Cancer Center, Genolier, Switzerland
    • Prof. Karim Fizazi, Department of Cancer Medicine, Gustave Roussy, University Paris Saclay, Villejuif, France
    • Prof. Ken Herrmann, Department of Nuclear Medicine, University of Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany


      Accreditation for the Oncology Academy course will be sought from the Accreditation Council of Oncology in Europe (ACOE). The number of credits awarded will be confirmed.